The City That Never Dies Season 1, Episode 7: If The Gods Had Wanted Me To Fly Transcript

Transcribed by Michelle Kelly.

## Intro

Rhi: Welcome back to Imperial City. As always, thank you so much for joining us. The Whisky Jays start a new score this week, and you’ll notice that our marvelous singer Val is missing. Kim had a scheduling conflict when we recorded this one, so for this episode and the next, she’ll be absent. But it’s only temporary–Kim’s back with Val by Episode 9.

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Next, Kim is going to tell us about this month’s featured charity.

Kim: The Clean Air Task Force was rated as one of the most impactful climate change organizations by Vox News in 2021. They advocate for better policy, regulation, and energy use at the state and federal level, and have expanded to international advocacy as well. They focus on not only eliminating carbon and diesel emissions, but methane as well, a highly overlooked pollutant. They also campaign for revolutionary technological solutions, such as zero-carbon fuels, carbon capture, and more. To learn more about their impressive track record, and to donate, visit That’s  

Rhi: As always, continue to look for ways to take care of yourselves, your communities, and your environment. We can’t solve every problem at once, but if you dedicate yourself to one thing and push hard on it alongside others, it can move us, one inch at a time, towards a better world.

Now then, let’s get started. Shall we?

## Story continues [00.02.49]

Rhi: We open up on the Nightcaps warehouse and distillery. When the Whisky Jays have been here previously it’s always been busy, but it’s been sort of an organized business. People are moving around swiftly, but it feels like everyone knows what they’re supposed to be doing and feels like they can get it done. When you arrive today, however, that business feels a lot more frantic and chaotic. People are rushing around, shouting orders at each other, there’s… the atmosphere is just a lot more tense. And as you’re kind of making your way across the floor towards the back office where you’ve been asked to meet with Benny, you hear an argument between, you know, you’re guessing a worker and, you know, a manager or supervisor of some kind. Sounds like they’re arguing pretty loudly about some kind of mandatory overtime. And kind of as you pass by, you hear the supervisor say:

Rhi (as Supervisor): You will work as many hours as we assign you. This ain’t a fuckin’ union shop.

Rhi: And the worker, who is holding a crate of something, says:

Rhi (as Worker): Then I guess I’ll go work for one. I quit!

Rhi: And drops the box. And there’s this glass shattering sound as all the empty bottles inside burst. And he just walks out and the supervisor storms off. 

Josie: Just out of character, you know what? Good for them. Support your unions, kids. 

Rhi: Yeah, no, for sure. 

Josie: [laughs] 

Rhi: Yeah, yeah. 

Josie: If you don’t have one, start one. 

Aki: Okay. One, yeah. Unionize! Do it. Two, at this time historically… oh, you mean the mafia? Again? 

Rhi and Josie: [laugh]

Rhi: Yeah.

Aki: And three, [laughs] Darling looks at this, the box, the person leaving, at the everything and goes:

Aki (as Darling): What’s a union?

Minna: [laughs] 

Josie (as Echo): You don’t know what a union is?

Aki (as Darling): Like a marriage ceremony? You know, uniting the families or something?

Josie (as Echo): No…

Aki (as Darling): Did we just watch a break-up?

Josie (as Echo): I mean, we may have. But that’s not the point. 

Rhi: [laughs] 

Josie (as Echo): A union is when workers band together to try and get better conditions from their employer. 

Aki (as Darling): That’s a thing? Oh. 

Josie (as Echo): Yes, well they don’t usually last long in Imperial City now. 

Aki (as Darling): Oh, oh. Well, you learn something new every day. 

Aki: Darling totally not thinking about things that she could have done. [laughs] 

Rhi: [laughs] 

Aki: But that’s okay, then I wouldn’t be able to play her today. Continue.

Josie (as Echo): Do they not have unions in Tycheros? Are you even from Tycheros? Were you born here? 

Aki (as Darling): No. No, no, no. Full on immigrant. So it’s been a while. But no. The best way to put it is, my line of work, if you want to quit or get better benefits, you just get good. 

Josie (as Echo): I see. Well, I’m glad you are good at your job then?

Rhi and Minna: [laughs] 

Aki: I mean, she very much quit. 

Minna: Yes. 

Josie: Yes, but:

Josie (as Echo): Now you work with us. 

Aki (as Darling): Which is a lot nicer in terms of the people that I’m working with. 

Minna (as Arlene): Really is.  

Josie (as Echo): Although I don’t know why I’m talking to you like this. You’ve been with the Whisky Jays longer than I have. I am awkward today. 

Rhi: [laughs] 

Aki (as Darling): That’s alright. It just means you’re growing, you know. Growth…

Aki: And I don’t know if you guys have seen that gif. 

Minna: [laughs] The one with the— yeah. 

Rhi: [laughs] Yeah. 

Josie: [laughs] 

Aki: Yeah, the gesture? That’s what Darling does. Says:

Aki (as Darling): Growth. 

Josie (as Echo): I don’t grow anymore. 


Rhi: On that awkward note…


Aki: I was about to do a, “But you could!” Like… 

Aki (as Darling): I’m pretty sure we can build your legs to have cupholders and stuff, that would be good. 

Josie (as Echo): See, I already have cupholders in me. They’re called hands. 

Minna: [laughs loudly]

Aki (as Darling): Touché, touché, you win this one, you… totally normal person. Continue. 

Aki: [laughs] 

Josie: Echo gives kind of an awkward, way-too-even wink. Like, ‘Wink!’

Rhi: [laughs] 

Aki: You said way too even and I was like, oh, you mean you just blink?

Josie: No! [laughs] 

Aki: You get what I mean? Like, by the even. 

Josie: Yes. [laughs] 

Rhi: So, this conversation caries you to the door of Benny’s office, where Bailey is waiting for you outside. She’s like:

Rhi (as Bailey): I already heard from Val that they can’t make it, uh, which… well, I don’t think Grandad will add anything extra to the debt for that as long as you all can handle this job on your own. I’ll let him know you’re here. 

Josie (as Echo): This means I get to drive the car. 

Rhi: So, Bailey knocks on the door and kinda cracks it open and is like:

Rhi (as Bailey): Uh, yeah, they’re here. 

Rhi: When the door opens you here Benny’s voice, but also another man talking. They both sound very jovial and Benny’s like:

Rhi (as Benny): Alright, send them in, send them in!

Rhi: So, the group of you head in and Benny is at his desk as usual. And sitting in one of the chairs across from him is an older man. He looks close to Benny’s age, he’ wearing kind of a nice suit that’s a little bit rumpled. He’s got thinning grey hair and kinda looks the three of you over and is like:

Rhi (as Man): Ah, you weren’t kidding, Benny. They are sort of an odd bunch. 

Rhi: Benny is like:

Rhi (as Benny): Eh, a little odd, but some of the best that I’ve got. This is my old friend Matteo Vespa. 

Rhi: He’ll cut in and say:

Rhi (as Matteo Vespa): Ah, you can just call me Matty. 

Josie (as Echo): Nice to meet you. 

Rhi (as Matty): Nice to meet all of you as well. 

Rhi: Benny will continue with:

Rhi (as Benny): Matty’s been running a bar and then speakeasy over in Bayrise for, oh, what, a couple decades now? Uh, and he’s finally seen sense and has decided to join our operation. But he wants to move his establishment from Bayrise over the Copperlight. And that’s where you all come in. He’s got a very fine collection of alcohol that he’s built up over the years and we need it transported over to Copperlight without any harm coming to it. 

Josie (as Echo): Copperlight. That’s very high visibility. 

Rhi (as Benny): Eh, but also, in general, the Copperlight Crew has the place pretty well locked down. They pay their bribes very regularly. So..

Josie (as Echo): Oh right, I forgot you had them. Okay. 

Rhi (as Benny): Pretty confident that they’ll be able to keep the Bluecoats off our backs. 

Rhi: And Matty will kinda, you know, give you all a big friendly grin and is like:

Rhi (as Matty): Hey, I’m looking forward to working with you. I’ll be coming with you, of course, as you’re doing the transport to make sure that everything is moved safely. Have to keep an eye on my goods, you understand. 

Minna (as Arlene): [starts to protest, quickly stops herself]

Josie (as Echo): Yes.

Aki (as Darling): You’re not allergic to cats, are you?

Rhi (as Benny): No, don’t think so. 

Aki (as Darling): Ah, lovely. 

Aki: I say, as Pearl is waiting outside. 

Rhi: [laughs] Yeah. 

Minna (as Arlene): Do you have much experience smuggling?

Rhi (as Benny): Of course. I’ve been running this place since the prohibition was instituted, so yeah, I know plenty about moving goods without being seen, and I’ve known Benny for ages. Benny does this kinda work. 

Minna (as Arlene): Well, I just meant in the field. 

Rhi: You all get the distinct impression he doesn’t. Like, yeah, maybe he’s taken delivery of smuggled goods, but has not done smuggling actively before. 

Minna: I think Arlene just kind of looks up at Benny with eyes like, ‘Do we really… are you sure about this?’ [laughs] 

Rhi: [laughs] Uh, Benny will lock eyes with you and he says:

Rhi (as Benny): Matty is a real good friend of mine, and I expect you all to treat him with the utmost respect. Get him anything he needs. 

Josie: Echo nods. 

Aki (as Darling): Right… and, and oh, if we do run into… trouble, I expect then we are also bodyguards of the sort?

Rhi (as Benny): If it comes to that. But obviously I would prefer that it didn’t come to that sort of trouble. 

Minna (as Arlene): I mean, of course you prefer that. Everyone prefers that. That’d be better. 

Aki (as Darling): Shame. It’s more fun when there’s trouble. 

Josie: [laughs] 

Rhi: Benny just shakes his head and is like:

Rhi (as Benny): Matty’s finishing with packing everything up. He’ll be ready in a couple days. But you all just do the pickup, get the goods over to Copperlight— oh, you’ll need to uh, they don’t allow cars on Copperlight, so you’ll need to find something else for the ferry to get you over there. But anyway, yeah. Couple days, head out to his place in Bayrise, pick everything up, get it to our new spot on Copperlight.

Josie (as Echo): Alright. 

Aki: You can hear Echo’s heart break a little bit. [laughs] Like, that’s what I heard when—

Josie: [laughs] 

Aki: “Oh, and no cars,” and I was like [gasps] “No!” [laughs] 

Rhi: [laughs] 

Josie: Well, we could take car part of the way. 

Rhi: Yeah, yeah. So, yeah, he kinda will dismiss you and turns back to his conversation with Matty and yeah, Bailey is waiting outside, clearly knows what this job is about. She’s kind of been watching the warehouse floor a little anxiously, just sort of looking at everyone rushing around and is kinda chewing on her lower lip, just looks very nervous. 

Aki: Well, she would have had a Pearl on her leg. 

Josie: Aww!

Rhi: Aww. [laughs] She’s watching this and absently scratching Pearl’s head as she’s staring out there. 

Josie (as Echo): Everything alright?

Rhi (as Bailey): Mm? Um… eh, more or less. Just worried that’s grandad’s pushing things a little too fast. We’re opening all these new places. I don’t know if we can keep up with demand. But he’s not really listening to me when I tell him that. 

Josie (as Echo): He does not do things halfway at all, does he?

Rhi (as Bailey): [rueful laugh] No. And that’s, you know, how he got to be where he is, but… [sighs] you know, you build something too big and you don’t have a good foundation underneath it…

Rhi: She just kind of mimes, like, something collapsing in the air. 

Rhi (as Bailey): [sighs] But anyway. He fill you in on the whole deal with Uncle Matty?

Josie (as Echo): Yes. 

Aki (as Darling): Very politely, it seems that we are… babysitting?

Rhi (as Bailey): [laughs] Yeah, more or less. Um… he’s, uh, he’s not a bad guy. He just, um, he’s really, really, uh, possessive of his collection and he doesn’t want anything to happen to it. So I get why he is insisting on going along, but I also get why you’re not thrilled about it. 

Minna (as Arlene): I don’t know why no one tells him that it’s probably going to go better if he doesn’t oversee it, but….

Aki (as Darling): To be fair, if nothing happens this is just going to be a very fun outing for him and very easy job for us. But boring, a little bit. 

Rhi (as Bailey): Hey, boring’s not always bad. Boring gets you paid. 

Aki (as Darling): Boring does get you paid, yes, yes, yes. But uh, oh boy is boring boring. 

Rhi: [laughs] 

Rhi (as Bailey): Yeah, fair enough. 

Josie (as Echo): Do you know anyone who works on the ferry?

Rhi (as Bailey): Oh… I might. Uh, let me ask around. I’ll see what I can do. 

Josie: Should I roll Gather Information? [laughs] 

Rhi: Yeah actually, yeah. Let’s get into that. This is a game where we roll dice, isn’t it?

Josie: Yes, it is. 

Rhi: Yeah, go ahead and roll that and we’ll see if Bailey knows anybody. 

Josie: Me with my zero Consort. [shakes dice]

Rhi: [laughs] 

Josie: [rolls dice] Oh, but I got a 5 though.

Rhi: Oh, nice!

Rhi (as Bailey): Um… ferries. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, this gal named Mist that I dated for a little bit. She’s working the ferry ways I think out around Copperlight. You want me to set up a meeting? 

Josie (as Echo): If it is not awkward between you two. 

Rhi (as Bailey): Oh no, no, it was very amicable. Should be fine. Trust me, I wouldn’t offer if it was going to result in me getting things thrown at my head. 

Josie: [laughs] 

Aki (as Darling): Ooh…

Rhi (as Bailey): Let’s just say that most of my relationships end with everybody friends, but the ones that don’t tend to be a little dramatic. We’ll just say that. 

Josie (as Echo): I think you are preaching to the choir on that. 

Aki: [laughs] 

Rhi: [laughs] 

Aki (as Darling): We should really talk more, I’d love to hear the stories. 

Rhi (as Bailey): [sighs] Well, you know, maybe after this is done we can all get a drink and I can fill you in on my sordid and scandalous past. Uh but yeah, for now, you all go do what you do. I’ll reach out to Mist and get that moving. 

Josie (as Echo): Yes. Thank you. 

Aki (as Darling): [playfully] Thank you, Bailey. 

Rhi: She kinda gives you all a salute and will head off. So, is there any— this is almost driving across the entire city. So you’re picking up your stuff in Bayrise and then driving all the way east to the Veridane River to Copperlight Island, where the new speakeasy will be. 

Aki: I was gonna ask, this is going, like, our mission is going to happen in a couple days, right? 

Rhi: Yeah, yeah. You’ve got a couple days to investigate stuff. 

Aki: Yeah, then would it be possible at all to like, I don’t know, not really scope out the area, like as in, get in real deep like how we did last time, but more so like, maybe we can go one day, walk around, see what it’s like, I don’t know. Maybe we can have a friend date. Maybe we can have a picnic. I don’t think picnics exist in this universe. 

Minna: Copperlight Island date. Carnival day, yeah maybe, you know…

Rhi: Yes, yes. If you wanna go out to Copperlight Island to scope the place out, slash have fun at a carnival, I am 100% here for it. 

Josie: Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. 

Aki: Yes, yes. 

Rhi: Alright. 

Minna: Pwease? [laughs] 

Rhi: [laughs] Whose idea is it, in character?

Josie: Don’t think it’s Echo’s. 

Minna: I think it’s Arlene’s. [laughs] 

Rhi: I was gonna say, I feel like this sounds like an Arlene plan. 

Minna: So I think that they’re all meeting, they’re at the garage or whatever and she’s like:

Minna (as Arlene): Hey. So, thinking. You know how we’re gonna have to go to Copperlight Island without the car and everything? We should know the lay of the land first. 

Minna: And I think she makes very significant eyes at Darling. 

Aki: I put a hand very graciously over my chest where I think somewhere my heart is and I just go:

Aki (as Darling): Oh, I’m so proud of you. Yes, that sounds like a lovely idea. 

Josie: Echo looks between the two of them. [laughs] 

Josie (as Echo): I’m not certain that’s the best idea for all of us. 

Minna: [laughs] Arlene goes to Echo and like, leans— probably has to get on tiptoe to try and whisper in Echo’s ear. [laughs] 

Josie: Yep. 

Minna (as Arlene): No, don’t ruin this. I wanna take her to Copperlight Island. 

Josie (as Echo): Oh. Then yes. You should take her. 

Minna (as Arlene): Do you wanna come? It’ll be fun. She hasn’t been. 

Josie (as Echo): There is a lot of people and a lot of food that I won’t be eating. 

Minna (as Arlene): Not everybody eats the food. 

Josie (as Echo): Do you want me to come?

Aki (as Darling): Yes.

Minna (as Arlene): Yes, I want you to come. 

Josie (as Echo): Okay. 

Aki (as Darling): Also, if it’s… recognizability that you’re worried about, we can always, [laughs] go in disguise. 

Minna: [wheeze laughs]

Minna: Audibly restraining her excitement. 

Josie: Echo blinks. 

Josie (as Echo): You have been waiting for this moment, haven’t you?

Aki (as Darling): Yes. Because now we can just go casual. And I have no idea what casual is for the majority of us, besides Val. Val’s casual is very nice. But for the rest of us including myself, oh, no idea.

Josie (as Echo): This is about as casual as I get. For coverage. 

Aki (as Darling): Which is also your work clothes. 

Josie (as Echo): Yes. I don’t sully clothes very often. 

Aki (as Darling): We’re going to change that. 

Minna: [laughs] 

Rhi: [laughs] 

Josie (as Echo): I’m not certain I like that implication. But if you want me to come, I will come. 

Rhi: I think we cut to Copperlight Island, which is basically a carnival. Coney Island sort of thing. There are games and rides. There’s a large ferris wheel. Lots of food, as Echo said. Lots of people. Lot of kinds running around on just tremendous cotton-candy and funnel cake-induced sugar highs. Definitely several people walking around carrying stuffed animals way bigger than they are. And I wanna know what is everyone wearing. Remember to filter this through Darling picked out your clothes. 

Josie: Uh huh.

Minna: Oh, gosh.

Rhi: And what is— what’s one thing that like, kind of draws your attention? That kinda hooks you in. 

Josie: I think fitting Echo was kind of a pain in the ass, because Darling keeps wanting fancy things that like, and some that show a little more, and Echo’s like, “Nope. Can’t do that. Nope. Can’t wear that. Definitely not that.” So, I think it’s kind of a hodge-podge of her trying to cover up and Darling sensibilities. I think the whole look is ruined by a big puffy sweater. Um, and a hat that she keeps low down over her face. [laughs]

Minna: It can be a cute hat, though. 

Josie: Yes. 

Aki: I promise you, the thing that I— as soon as you went, “And a hat,” I went, like one of those carnival hats where it’s like a baseball cap but it has a drink or a beverage also attached to it. 

Minna: Oh my God. 

Josie: [laughs loudly]


Josie: Yes. Yes. 100%. 

Rhi: [laughs] 

Josie: She can’t drink from it, but it’s there. Um, and I think Echo gets really engrossed by the ferris wheel and any other mechanics. Like, she definitely waits in line, not to get on it, but to try and get a look at the engine underneath. 

Rhi: [laughs] 

Minna: So if Arlene— sorry, if Darling is dressing them, does she do the matching outfits thing with Arlene again? [laughs] 

Aki: Only if you want to. 

Minna: [laughs] I feel like that’s what makes the most sense, if we’ve decided that she’s in charge of clothing. 

Aki: We can be color matching at the very least. 

Rhi: [laughs] 

Minna: What is the vibe?

Aki: Oh, the vibe. Oh, okay. Well, for Darling specifically, Darling was gonna have this very nice embroidered, like one of those qipao-style tops, but the sleeves are a little bit longer, like three-quarter maybe, because Darling’s pretty big. So it’s just one of those nice ones, and in terms of colors, I’m not sure. Let’s go with pink. Oh, yeah, let’s go with pink! Pink. Pink. Okay, it’s pink. 

Minna: Pink is really good. 

Aki: And then her skirt, because she’s a giant dragon woman, is probably really just, it’s probably one of, just a simple long black one to just hide as much of her tail maybe and her feet as possible. Because like, it’s casual, yes, so even though she is 100% very recognizable, she’s trying. 

Minna: [laughs] 

Aki: She’s trying, you know? So yeah. And Pearl, and Pearl has a red leash on. 

Minna: Nobody can actually tell Darling not to take the tiger with her. 

Aki: Exactly. 

Rhi: Yeah… yeah, that’s… yeah. 

Aki: You know what? We’ll even go a step further, too. We got a vest. One of those little cat vests. 

Minna: [whispers] Oh my God. 

Aki: On Pearl. 

Josie: [delighted]

Aki: Okay? We also got one of those. We’re really trying here. 

Josie: It’s gotta be so big. 

Aki: Exactly. They are looking— they are looking… [laughs] 

Josie: Perfect disguise. 

Minna: [laughs] 

Aki: An umbral tiger, just an umbral tiger in terms of that, but this is an umbral tiger with a vest and a collar. They’ll never see it coming. It’s like Superman, you know? Clark Kent? You know, glasses?


Aki: In fact. Darling’s wearing glasses. 

Rhi: [laughs] 

Aki: They’ll never know. They’ll never know. Never, ever, ever. Um, and um, and as for Arlene, um, I think if you wanted to wear, like, like, a suit or um…

Minna: I have a thought for what the outfit looks like. 

Aki: Go, go, go. 

Minna: If you want to hear.

Aki: No, no, no, go. Because they would have been very free, but like, would I lean more towards a pink in color? Yes. 

Minna: Yes. Uh, so I was thinking that it would take a pink color, but there’s kind of a stripey V-neck sweater that’s pink and white and there’s like a white skirt with it and a hat that matches the pink color of the sweater. 

Josie: Aww. 

Aki: That’s so cute. We all actively look like we’re going for a picnic. 

Minna: Yes, exactly. [laughs] 

Aki: But Echo is just like, the weird— not even the weird, I should say— you know like a sports fan?

Josie: Yes. 

Aki: Yeah. The uncle that you bring with and it’s like, but they only dress like a sports fan? That. 

Josie: Yep. 

Aki: That’s what I mean 

Josie: It’s what we had in my size. 

Minna: [laughs] 

Rhi: And what does, um, what draws Darling’s attention?

Aki: I’m gonna be truthful, everything. I think Darling knows in concept what a carnival is, but has never been to one, nor is aware of what you do in one. Like, she knew sort of what things are. She knows what a ferris wheel is. It’s a wheel. [laughs] That you can sit in. 

Josie: [laughs] It is in fact a wheel.

Rhi: Yeah, and I think, like, from the garage in Kestrel Heights you can see the ferris wheel. So like, she’s seen it from a distance, but it’s very different seeing it up close. 

Aki: Like, she knew it was big, but she got to close to it and went:

Aki (as Darling): What the hell? It’s like a skyscraper that moves, you know? That’s— that’s big. 

Aki: It’s just a lot of— this is definitely a lot of stuff that is familiar, but like, very new to— there’ll be certain aspect, like, if they have a petting zoo-esque type then she’ll be like:

Aki (as Darling): Oh, I know what that is, yeah. 

Aki: And if they ever had, like, some fairs have like, casino games? Like straight-up out in the public where it’s like, bet on this color and the ball has to roll in that color, like that. And it’s like, two dollars a bet. Like, she’ll recognize that, too. And then she’ll recognize food stands. But the foods she won’t recognize. 

Rhi: [laughs] 

Aki: And the carnival games and the certain toys and stuff like that she will not recognize. And then the ferris wheel she will definitely— like, she saw but she’s like, that’s new. So everything is definitely a very nice whiplash of new and not. 

Rhi: Yeah. And how about Arlene? Has Arlene been here before?

Minna: Yeah, she’s been here enough that I think she has favorite food stalls that she’s gonna insist on procuring food for to make Darling try it. 

Josie: Aww. 

Minna: And she’s going to want to go on the ferris wheel, because it’s a good vantage point, Darling. [laughs] 

Aki: [laughs] 

Minna: It will give us a good view of the whole place. 

Josie: Can we all be cramped into one ferris wheel car?

Rhi: Yeah. I think they’re usually big, like some of them are usually big enough to where you can comfortably fit several people, so yeah, I think the three of you – well, four with Pearl – can definitely fit into one. 

Aki: Mm hmm. 

Minna: I feel like we shouldn’t take Pearl on the ferris wheel. [laughs] 

Aki: Who knows? But I feel like getting Darling into it is going to be fun. She’s pumped and hyped standing in line and then you get to it and she’s like:

Aki (as Darling): Oh, wait a minute. It’s a box. 

Rhi: [laughs] 

Aki (as Darling): You want me to sit in a box and then hurl me several feet in the air? 

Josie (as Echo): Yes, it’s fun. 

Minna (as Arlene): It’s very slow and very safe. 

Aki: I’m gonna kick the box to see if it’s sturdy. 

Minna (as Arlene): We’ve been on more dangerous rooftops. 

Aki (as Darling): Yes, but they are like rooftops and there’s so much more land, or platform to roll around in, you know? And there are, there are levels to a building. And this does not have levels. 

Aki: And Darling is like, kicking it. You know like, you take a step but you’re like, pressing on it and stuff like that? And she’s like:

Aki (as Darling): And this, this is not… this is a floating cage. 

Minna (as Arlene): The famous Darling scared? [laughs] 

Rhi (as Staff): [monotonously] I need to ask you to stop kicking the ferris wheel. If you are going to board ferris wheel please do so so that the people in line behind you can also board. If you do not wish to board at this time please move towards the exit. 

Rhi: The poor ferris wheel attendant says. 

Josie (as Echo): Darling, I think the engineering is up to standard. I think so, anyway. 

Aki: [laughs] Darling goes:

Aki (as Darling): Let’s go.

Aki: And stands in place for a bit. 


Minna: I think Arlene hops in and says:

Minna (as Arlene): If you’re scared, you can stay down here. 

Aki (as Darling): Hmm. How dare you, I’m competitive. 

Aki: And she—


Aki: She gets in. She gets in and then Pearl, whatever side she’s on, hopefully Pearl can get on and sit on her or something like that. 

Minna: Yes. [laughs] 

Aki: And then Darling fully hugs the Pearl and is like:

Aki (as Darling): Oh, hmm. It’s a cold cage. 

Rhi: [laughs] Yeah, I think there’s little benches on either side, so Pearl can hop up and sit on Darling and Echo and Arlene can sit on the other side. Yeah, so the attendant will close the door, make sure it’s secure, and then it will start to slowly rotate and raise you up into the air. And if people would like to make Gather Information rolls [laughs] to see what you can see from up here, you can feel free to do that. 

Aki: Um. And what would the roll [laughs] for… [laughs] sorry. 

Rhi: Probably Study or Survey?

Josie: Okay. Sure, why not?

Rhi: Unless there’s like, other things you wanna look for to use other skills. 

Josie: Yeah. 

Aki: I will say, have you guys ever seen like, it’s usually in animations and stuff, but like, I’ve seen some animals do it, where like cats full-on extend every limb in their body to hold onto something. 

Minna: [laughs] 

Rhi: Yes. 

Aki: You see Darling’s, specifically the legs, do that immediately, as soon as the ride starts moving. 

Josie: Ha!

Rhi: [laughs] 

Aki: She just braces herself and she’s like:

Aki (as Darling): Okay.

Josie: Perfect. 

Aki: So that’s the visual going up. [laughs] I rolled a 2, so. 

Rhi: That feels correct. 

Aki: It is very correct. 

Minna and Josie: [laugh]

Aki: I don’t see anything. Like, you go, “Oh my God, look, look at the buildings, look how small they are!” and Darling takes a peek and goes:

Aki (as Darling): Oh my God, no, they were not meant to be that small. 

Rhi: [laughs] 

Aki (as Darling): If the gods wanted me to fly, they would give me wings or more height. I’m good. 


Minna: I love how there’s an option that if they wanted you to fly they’d have made you Godzilla. [laughs] 

Rhi and Josie: [laugh]

Rhi: Yah so Darling, you kind of peek out a couple times, but you’re not able to get a very good view of the island. Who else wants to roll?

Josie: I don’t think Echo’s gathering information from up here. She’s just looking out at the city. 

Rhi: Yeah! Is there anything in particular that she’s looking at?

Josie: I think she sort of scans across the horizon. I think from— Copperlight Island is in the river running through the city. 

Rhi: Yeah. 

Josie: I forget what we named that. Um, so you see over a bit fo the city before seeing the bay out there. 

Rhi: Yeah. 

Josie: What was the river called? What did we call it?

Rhi: Uh… the, uh… Veridane River. 

Josie: The Veridane River. So, I think she’s looking out over some of the buildings to the bay and seeing Bayrise and Beacon Hill with the lighthouse way off in the distance and then is sort of scanning around. Um, Rhi, what does the Tower of Glass look like? 

Rhi: Ooh… Um, I think that it is— it’s not entirely made of glass, because I think it’s kind of an older skyscraper, but since it’s up on sort of the top of the cliff you can still see it from here. I think that it’s a sort of rounded column sort of tower. 

Josie: Mm-hmm. 

Rhi: And at the top is like an observatory. So it’s just this big glass dome that has, you know, all kinds of like, there’s telescopes and other sort of equipment to observe the movements of the stars and the moon. And yeah, any time there’s any light from, you know, within the city or from the moon, it just kinda reflects that. 

Josie: Nice. And for the audience, the Tower of Glass is the most prestigious university in the city, right?

Rhi: Yeah. I think the university itself, like, there’s a few other buildings, but that’s sort of the, that’s the main one. That’s the central one. 

Josie: Right. And I think Echo’s eyes linger on the Tower of Glass for a little bit. Watches it twinkle. And then of course you can see Imperial Palace from everywhere. 

Rhi: Yep. 

Josie: Because it’s at the highest point, on the edge of the cliff that forms this crater-like depression this city is in. 

Rhi: Yep. 

Aki: The city is depressed alright. Continue. 

Josie and Rhi: [laugh] 

Rhi: And yeah, Arlene, are you gonna Gather Info while you’re up here?

Minna: Yeah, sure. So I think she has a pretty good idea of what this place looks like, but she’s not thought about, like, ways in and out of the island, like, security weaknesses and stuff. 

Rhi: Yeah. So, go ahead and give me a roll of some kind. 

Minna: I think it’s gonna be a Survey. 

Rhi: Yeah, that makes sense. Just kinda looking over the whole thing. 

Minna: 4. 

Rhi: 4, okay. So, I think you also, like, you know where the new speakeasy is gonna be set up. It is, like, it’s in a restaurant, so there’s like a small front dining area that’s kind of the cover, but then the back is just gonna be like a bar. So, you know where that building is and you kind of are able to map out from up here the paths that lead sort of form the entrance, you know, the different access points on the island, how to get to that building, you know, what areas tend to have the most foot traffic. You find a path that’s not gonna be as fast, but it will avoid traffic, basically. Yeah, the ferris wheel circles back down to the ground, the attendant will come over and open the door and hold it open for you. 

Minna (as Arlene): Thank you. 

Rhi (as Attendant): Thank you for riding. Enjoy the rest of your day at Copperlight Island. 

Aki: I just realized the logistics of her having to exit is going to be… very weird. Because she has to duck a lot, but she walks off, but her legs are very long and they bend in two different ways. And so, I think what you see is her sliding, quite literally, off the bench. And then she puts, like, one leg out to get up and also so her horns don’t get stuck on the roof of this. And like, the purpose of the skirt is now defeated, because that’s her whole leggy out. That’s a lot of bare leg. 


Aki: In the wrong time period, that would be so scandalous. And then she’ll, like, getting out is weird because her other leg has to come out and she’s too big for this, but if she stands up now, she’ll be stuck, she’ll be wedged inside and out. 

Rhi: [laughs] 

Aki: So it’s like, she’s gotta move her whole body over. She’s probably tall enough to actually grab on top of the cart and that’s how she gets the rest of her out. And it is a display to see. And then, Pearl comes out. [laughs] And everybody’s like, “Okay, then I’ve seen it all.” This is the equivalent of a tiny clown car and… 

Rhi: [laughs] 

Aki: And that’s how she gets out. And she’ll dust herself off and act like nothing happened, and goes:

Aki (as Darling): Thank you, that was so much fun. Bye. 

Josie (as Echo): I’d have offered you a hand, but I wanted to see how you managed it. 

Aki (as Darling): It is a good thing that I am flexible. That is all. 

Josie: Echo nods. [laughs] 

Rhi: [laughs] So, um, is there any other info that you want to gather while you’re here? 

Josie: Uh, I wanna figure out if it is possible to just take a bunch of shit on the ferry or if it’s just like, a bunch of people cram on there for their commute or something. 

Rhi: So, I can tell you, just kind of as a freebie, that like, the ferries are the main way that cargo is moved. The bridges are how most of the visitors get here, the ferries are how most cargo is moved. So like, you know, all of the food and whatever other supplies the carnival needs come over by ferry. 

Josie: Gotcha. 

Rhi: Um, if you wanna find out about how you could get on a ferry, if that’s the way you wanna go, then you can do a Gather Info roll. 

Josie: Yeah. I wanna find out if we can just like— if it’s possible to just like, bribe someone, maybe? Or if there’s a public use sort of thing to get stuff across. 

Rhi: Yeah, yeah. Bailey can get you the information about Mist.

Josie: Oh right, yes.

Rhi: And will tell you where to meet her here. Yeah, so you can go and track her down and talk to her and do that Gather Info roll. 

Josie: Okay, yeah. I’ll do that. Which I guess’ll be Consort?

Rhi: Probably. 

Josie: [rolls dice] Heh. Well, one of the die was a 6. The other is a 1. So…

Rhi: Oof. 

Josie: It’s a 1. [laughs] 

Rhi: So, Bailey may have been slightly overstating how amicable the breakup was. 

Josie: [laughs] 

Rhi: Mist is like, she’s perfectly polite to you, she’s not rude, but it’s clear that she’s not happy that Bailey is like, sending people to her to ask about crime. So, she will just kind give you, like, if you ask about how cargo is moved, she will explain there are particular companies that have contracts with the island, they move cargo on the ferries, that’s how that works. No one else is allowed to bring stuff in. Pointed look. [laughs] 

Josie (as Echo): Do you need compensation?

Rhi: Oh. Is she the sort of person to take a bribe? Let’s find out. I’ll make a roll. 

Aki: Ooh. 

Rhi: We’ll say 4, 5 to 6, she is open to a bribe. [rolls dice] I got a 5. So, she kinda arches an eyebrow and will sort of like— I imagine that she’s talking to you kind of, you know, near one of the ferry docks where stuff gets loaded and unloaded. She’ll kind of pull you away from there a little bit so you can talk a little more privately and she’s like:

Rhi (as Mist): I might be able to find a space on a log book for another delivery, if the price is right. 

Josie (as Echo): How much does two coin compare?

Rhi: Yeah, she kind of raises her eyebrows and is like:

Rhi (as Mist): Yeah. That’ll, uh, that’ll get you a nice spot. When do you need it?

Josie (as Echo): In a couple days. First coin before, second after?

Rhi: She kinda gives you the first kind of— she’s been giving you a lot of polite smiles up to now but she gives you a big genuine grin and is like:

Rhi (as Mist): Ah, smart one. Alright, yeah. I’ll trade some shifts and make sure that I’m working that night. But all I’m doing is letting you dock. That’s it.

Josie (as Echo): I see. Thank you. We have both been somewhat roped into this. 

Rhi (as Mist): Eh, yeah, that’s not surprising. 

Josie: Echo nods. The drink in her hat clanks a little bit. [laughs] 

Rhi: [laughs] 

Josie: Because I think she’s still in carnival clothes. 

Rhi: Yeah, of course. If you can get yourselves onto a ferry, you will be able to dock safely now. So well done. 

Josie: Oh, okay. So we still need to get on. 

Rhi: Yeah. Echo, you leave the ferry docks and head back up to meet with Arlene and Darling. Arlene, where did you take Darling to try carnival food, and what kind of carnival food have you obtained for her?

Minna: [laughs]

Minna (as Arlene): Hey, here, have you ever tried cotton candy?

Minna: And I think she kind of, has set her up at a little table or something. 

Rhi: [laughs] Is the cotton candy the same shade of pink as what Darling is wearing?

Minna: Very close. 

Rhi: Yes. So, you just hand a giant thing of cotton candy over?

Minna: Mm hmm!

Aki: Then, well, Darling’s going to stare at it for a bit and just go:

Aki (as Darling): Did you just hand me… this is going to sound unbelievably ridiculous— did you just hand me a cloud? 

Rhi: [laughs] 

Minna (as Arlene): It does look like that, doesn’t it?

Aki (as Darling): Yes. 

Minna (as Arlene): See, you just take a little bit off and you pop it in your mouth. I promise you’re gonna like it. 

Aki (as Darling): How am I supposed to take it off? With my hands?

Minna (as Arlene): Just tear off a little bit with your finger. 

Minna: I think she demonstrates, she takes a little bit herself. 

Aki (as Darling): Oh, oh. Okay, okay, okay… okay, this is making a lot more sense. 

Aki: And then you see Darling with like—[laughs] she doesn’t wanna grab at it, right? She doesn’t know if it’s sticky or anything. So, you just see with her pointer finger and her thumbs just rip off a little bit and then stare at it and you know, she’s like, moving it a little bit. She’s like:

Aki (as Darling): Oh, it’s sticky. 

Aki: And then pops it in her mouth. And then, like, her eyes… they are very— they are sharp diamond— like, her pupils are sharp diamond slits, you know? And for like, a good minute or two they become full round circles. 

Rhi: [laughs] 

Aki: She’s like:

Aki (as Darling): Oh! That’s very sweet! Where did it go? I didn’t even chew!

Minna (as Arlene): It kinda melts. It’s like sugar and you, uh, I think you like whip it up and it does this? I don’t know how, do not ask me how. 

Aki (as Darling): I don’t think I want to know how. I just want to assume that it is magic and that I am eating a cloud, a candy cloud, or perhaps all clouds taste sweet. That would be very nice as well. That is what I am going to think, and that is what I choose to think. 

Aki: And then she takes off more and then feeds it to Pearl. 

Rhi: [laughs] 

Minna: No! [laughs] God. 

Josie: No! [laughs] 

Aki (as Darling): Okay. What? Was I not supposed to do that?

Minna: I mean, it’s probably fine. I just, it’s up to you how much sugar you feed the cat. 

Aki (as Darling): I feel like it should be alright. She’s not going to choke on it, it just…

Minna (as Arlene): No, it’ll dissolve. 

Aki (as Darling): Yeah, exactly. And if anything, then I have… zoomies? Yes? That is what animals get, I guess. Which is a thing. 

Minna (as Arlene): I don’t think it’s enough to give her that, probably. 

Aki (as Darling): Yes, that’s what I was assuming. She’s outgrown that phase. 

Aki: I say as Pearl is maybe getting ready [laughs] to, I don’t know. I don’t know. I don’t know the logistics of a shadow cat tiger. 

Rhi: I’m picturing that what’s happening is that Darling is still holding the cotton candy in one hand, but has looked away to talk to Arlene, and Pearl just gets up on her hind legs, paws up on the table and then [munch]. 

Josie: [laughs] 

Rhi: Takes another big bite off of the candy. 

Josie: [laughs] Oh, baby. 

Aki (as Darling): Oh, it’s very sweet, right?

Aki: And Darling’s trying to just rip off more and eat it, and then gets confused why it gets so sticky afterwards and is just like:

Aki (as Darling): Oh, well now I have to wash. 

Rhi: [laughs] 

Minna (as Arlene): That does happen. 

Rhi: So yeah, this is the scene that Echo rejoins the group with. Darling and Pearl enjoying their first cotton candy. 

Josie (as Echo): Oh. You haven’t had cotton candy before?

Aki (as Darling): No. 

Josie (as Echo): Wow, Pearl’s really going to town on it. 

Aki (as Darling): Indeed. 

Rhi: [laughs] I feel like Darling is vibrating slightly with the sugar high. 

Aki: Probably a little bit, yeah. I don’t think Darling, uh, she’s had sweet things before, but you gave her a ball of—

Rhi: Pure sugar. 

Aki: Pure sugar on a stick. And it’s pink, so she’s like, oh, colors. You know?

Josie: [laughs] 

Rhi: [laughs loudly]

Aki: So yeah, that’s what you’ve given her. You’ve given her probably the sweetest punch that she’s had in a while. And I don’t even know how old she is. She’s aunt age. 

Rhi: [laughs] 

Minna: [laughs] 

Rhi: So yeah, I think that’s kinda how the rest of this day goes at the carnival. Just a lot of introducing Darling to new things. What are your all next steps? Is there any other information you wanna gather or do you just wanna get into the score?

Aki: There is one more, I guess, piece of information I would like to gather. 

Rhi: Yeah. 

Josie: Just uh, one more thing. 

Aki: Just one more thing, one more thing. 

Rhi: [laughs] 

Aki: This could literally be the next day, and Darling’s like:

Aki (as Darling): Oh yeah, I forgot. 

Aki: You know, just, um…

Rhi and Josie: [laugh]

Aki: Maybe what the [laughs] what the, um, what the gang-like activity is on, um, Copperlight Island specifically. 

Rhi: Yeah. So, you would know, just again kind of as a freebie, that Copperlight is essentially run by a gang called the Copperlight Crew. And they have never showed any interest in expanding beyond the island. Like, they’ve got their gig, they have this locked down, and they’re happy with that. So most likely, in order to get the space Benny is, you know, had to pay them to get this speakeasy space. Which is also not, like, hugely uncommon. Like, they run a carnival, they’re gonna have to work with somebody else if they wanna have liquor at the carnival. But yeah, if you wanna get any additional information about the Copperlight Crew, you can do that. Um, just let me know how you’d like to approach that.

One option you have is you could, with your, uh, contacts on your character sheet, you could decide that somebody on there has some connection or knowledge with the Copperlight Crew, if you want. 

Aki: Mm-hmm, mm-hmm. Okay. It would be really funny, because my rival is a falconer?

Rhi: Yes. 

Aki: To show up and be like:

Aki (as Darling): Ah, hello there, pigeon shit. 

Rhi: [laughs] 

Aki: You know? Just—

Rhi: Not a good way to get information, but alright. 

Josie: [laughs] 

Aki: Maybe that’s the kind of rivalry we got, okay? He can, he can literally be like, “Oh, look what the cat dragged in. Oh, and hi Pearl.” You know? It could be like that. 

Rhi: [laughs] 

Aki: You know? That could have been our relationship. [laughs] 

Rhi: Oh my God. Maybe this falconer has a show on Copperlight. That seems like that’d be a good way to make some money if you have trained birds. 

Aki: That’s true, that’s true. 

Rhi: Not a lot of opportunities for traditional hunting. 

Aki: Mm-hmm, mm-hmm. I think I could vibe with that pretty well. As long as you’re okay with—

Rhi: Yeah. 

Aki: With that kind of…

Rhi: Oh yeah, no, I love it. This is great. You head— are you— where are you meeting with Ketter?

Aki: I think, um, wherever a nice local café or something like that is, so that way, one, we’re out in the open and we can’t do shit to each other technically, and I don’t think we want to either, but it’s like, just in case, right? To be on the safer, paranoid side. And also, because I think if we don’t stuff things in our mouth, we’re gonna run it too much. [laughs] 

Rhi and Josie: [laugh]

Aki: So yeah, so I think like a brunch would be cute. 

Rhi: Oh God, I love that. So yeah, you send a message to Ketter asking to meet and uh, I think we’ll go with he. He shows up at the café with— I think he did not bring his bird. After the incident with Pearl, he doesn’t bring his falcon along whenever he’s meeting up with you. Let’s see… I think that Ketter is Severosi, has very dark skin, like, really sort kinda buzzed dark hair and is wearing just like, a really like, nice, stylish suit. Very fashionable-looking guy. I think he does wear glasses. That’s just the mental image that I’ve got of him right now. And yeah, he will show up at your table at brunch and is just like— I think I am just gonna steal the line that you used, like:

Rhi (as Ketter): Ah, well, look what your cat dragged over. 

Rhi: As he takes a seat. 

Aki (as Darling): Oh, hello there, pigeon shit. I mean Ketter. You didn’t bring your pigeon. 

Rhi (as Ketter): Well, no, since you can’t keep your monster under control, I felt it’s best for all involved if I left the falcon at home. I’d hate for Pearl to lose an eye. 

Aki (as Darling): Mm, and I’d hate for you to lose another bird. 

Rhi: [laughs] 

Aki (as Darling): Well, thank you for meeting me on such short notice.

Rhi (as Ketter): Well, since you’re paying, of course. 

Aki: Yeah, I was gonna say I’m probably paying. But I’m also dressed very— this is a rivalry and I’ve gotta show that I’m doing amazing. 

Rhi: Yeah. Yeah. [laughs] Why don’t you give me a roll to kinda see how the rest of the conversation goes in terms of what info he can give you? 

Aki: Um, would this be a Consort, I guess?

Rhi: Um, yeah. Yeah. [laughs] As weird and tense as this friendship rivalry is…

Aki: We could say it’s all sexual tension if you—[laughs] 

Rhi: Listen! I didn’t wanna say— I was thinking it, I’m gonna be honest. Just sitting here like, you two either boned once and haven’t since or haven’t and really need to just to get it out of your system. 

Minna: [laughs] 

Aki: I wanna say haven’t but really need to. Because this makes— I don’t think—

Rhi: Yeah, that’s the vibe I’m getting. So yeah, what did you get on your roll?

Aki: Would you like a picture?

Rhi: No, I’m good. 

Aki: It’s a 6. 

Rhi: I believe you. [laughs] Okay, and you just kinda wanna know about the Copperlight Crew, right?

Aki: Yeah, specifically like, you know, if I have any— I guess really if we have anything to worry about. But I don’t think I would disclose too much information on the job specifically just, “Oh, I’m coming here for a job,” but I’m shady as fuck, you know?

Rhi: Yeah, yeah. And I don’t think that he would push on that too much. Let me look at my notes on the Copperlight Crew. Okay. What he can tell you is that they are mostly like, con artists and grifters that are taking advantage of people who are already on Copperlight Island to be parted from their money. So, most of what they’re concerned about is the carnival itself. They own a lot of the property there. You know, did they acquire this property through legal means? Absolutely not. 

Minna: [laughs] 

Rhi: [laughs] But basically where he’s at is like, as long as you don’t disrupt their work, as long at the— the only way that you would have a problem with them is if you do something that would cause, like, the carnival to be shut down or evacuated. You know, things like that. As long as they’re able to keep business going as usual, they don’t care what happens. They’ve been, you know, Benny’s told you they’ve been paid for the space that the speakeasy’s going into, so like, that’s all set and good to go. As long as you don’t cause any problems for them, they won’t cause any problems for you. Ketter isn’t part of the gang, but just by virtue by working on Copperlight Island he does just work with them a lot. So, he can kinda tell you what they’re like to deal with. 

Aki: That’s good, that’s good. We eat. We chat. There is still— there will always be tension, I think. And then I think if it gets too flirty, I think Pearl will notice like the baby she is and then complain. And by complain I mean like, I don’t know, immediately like, grab for attention. Because I think that’s the only reason that they really haven’t, really, it’s all Pearls fault. Pearl’s like, “You’re not my dad and you’re never gonna be my dad.”

Rhi: [laughs]

Aki: [laughs] You know?

Rhi and Josie: [laugh]

Rhi: I like the idea that Pearl wanders over and starts, like, gnawing on his ankle. Not like biting with teeth, but just kind of like drooling on his pant leg. And he’s just like:

Rhi (as Ketter): God— get— what did I say about keeping your cat under control?

Aki (as Darling): No, what? She just came over to cuddle. 

Rhi (as Ketter): This is not cuddling. There’s— she— these were very expensive shoes and there’s tiger drool all over them now. 

Aki (as Darling): It’s just saliva. You can literally wipe it off. 

Rhi (as Ketter): Ugh. 

Rhi: So, yeah. I think that’s more or less how—


Rhi: —brunch goes. And any other info that folks wanna get?

Josie: Uh, the best I can think of are like, flashbacks and stuff, so. 

Rhi: Alright. That works. 

Minna: Yeah, I’m ready to go in. 

Rhi: Then let’s get into— yeah, let’s do it. So, this is definitely I think a Transport score. 

Josie: Mm-hmm. 

Rhi: You’re moving cargo through danger. So, for the engagement roll you get one for luck. “Is this operation particularly bold or daring?”

Josie: Uh…

Aki: I feel— uh—

Josie: I don’t think so. 

Aki: Yeah, I don’t think so. Everything seems like, like just— it actually seems like legitimate business, like, for once. [laughs] 

Rhi: Yeah. Yeah. Gotta give you a few of those. Okay, so this is just gonna be a 2d6 engagement roll. [rolls dice] Alright, that’s a 5. So, you’re gonna be starting in a risky position when the action starts. So, are you taking the Drake for the first chunk of this score?

Josie: I— well, how much stuff does he got? Like, are we moving a shop or…?

Rhi: Uh, you’re moving a bar’s inventory. Like, not the— you’re moving the liquor. Like, the glasses and stuff is less of a concern, but you’re moving the accumulated liquor collection of a bar that’s been open for like, twenty years. 

Josie: Gotcha. I think we need a truck. 

Rhi: Okay. Yeah, so I think that, like, the Nightcaps can hook you up with a truck, in that case. So, bigger vehicle. Darling actually can sit upright in it. Your horns are gonna be brushing the ceiling a little bit, or brushing the roof, but not too bad. So, we see this truck pull up outside of a darkened building in Bayrise. As you’re pulling up, a train rattles across the tracks that run above Bayrise and as you pull up, Matty will come out and just be like:

Rhi (as Matty): Oh, good, wonderful. Glad to see you here. Uh, I’ve got everything boxed up. We can get started on loading everything.

Rhi: And as you’re loading up the truck, you very quickly realize that Matty is very much a micro-manager. 

Josie: Hmm. 

Rhi: He is telling you precisely how to lift things, how to place things in the truck. If you put one box on top of another, he’s going to tell you to take it off and put a different box on top. The whole process takes, like, two times as long as it should because he keeps nitpicking how you’re packing everything in. 

Minna: [laughs] You all are very lucky that Arlene manages not to snap “Do you wanna do it yourself?”

Rhi: [laughs] 

Josie: Yep. I think Echo does this in complete silence, because she can’t really show irritation.

Rhi: [laughs]  

Josie: And she doesn’t like this sort of thing. So she’s like, “I’m gonna stay perfectly quiet and just get it done and not break his neck.”

Rhi: [laughs] 

Aki: Darling is a professional, so she does this, but every time she can turn it’s the biggest eye roll you’ve ever seen. 

Rhi: [laughs] 

Aki: And Pearl probably can hear a boatload of things, like, complaints, you know, telepathically of course. And so now Pearl is also giving him the stank eye. 

Rhi: Yeah. [laughs] So, you do eventually manage to get the truck loaded, pile in. I think that Echo is driving and he’s in the passenger seat, everybody else is in the back. And you head off and he immediately starts talking. It’s not a conversation. Conversation implies that more than one person is involved. He’s just monologuing because he has a captive audience, it seems. 

Josie: Echo is perfectly silent, eyes on the road, just gonna keep this a safe ride. [laughs] 

Rhi: Yep. He’s mostly complaining about having to move out of Bayrise, that he really liked the location, it was so good for so long, he had all these regulars, but he doesn’t wanna have to go through the expenses of another gang war, you know, the Brigs and the Breakers, they say that they’ve got this, they’ve signed some kind of peace truce thing, but he doesn’t buy it, he’s pretty sure it’s all gonna blow up again, he’s been seeing some of their little smaller gangs getting into scraps and that’s why he went to Benny, he doesn’t wanna deal with that again, and then it kind of starts to veer into like, you know, just telling stories about the bar and the things that have happened there and these customers that he’s had and telling stories about people that you don’t know, that you’re never gonna meet. It’s really boring. 

This goes on for a while as you’re driving across the city, and in some ways, it’s probably almost a relief when you see the Bluecoat checkpoint, because at least this guy will have to shut up for a little bit. 

## Outro [01.02.03]

Thanks for joining us! The Whisky Jays will return in two weeks. The City That Never Dies is a Clever Corvids production. Visit our website at and follow us on Twitter @clever_corvids for the latest on this and other shows.

The City That Never Dies is GM’d and edited by Rhi. Check out her business Skill Check for copyediting and accessibility consulting for the RPG community at

Arlene Graeme is played by Minna Reilly. Find her on Twitter @mynaminnarr.

Darling Tsering is played by Aki. Find her on Twitter @akinomii_art for more TTRPG Content. 

Echo is played by Josie. Find her on Twitter @dragongirljosie, and check out her art at

Valerie Sullivan is played by Kim. Find her on Twitter @kimdianajones.

Our opening and closing theme music is from Something by Kai Engel and is used under a Creative Commons license. Blades in the Dark is the creation of John Harper and is published by Evil Hat Productions.

Rhi: This episode’s jumbotron message is from Kickstarter backer Jack Israel, and it’s for (ahem), Jack, Hannah, Imo, Tim, Christine, Rory, Michael, Lexi, and all my wonderful previous players and playtesters.

Remember when you guys bought me some dice for my birthday and refused to let me return the favour. I may have done the RPG equivalent of hiring a skywriter. Ooops.

Thanks to my players, the Rumours, the Round Table and unnamed groups alike. Being a GM is an amazing part of my life, and it’s because you make it worthwhile to come to the table every week.

Thanks to my GMs, for letting me explore your worlds and ruin them just a little. I’ve learned so much from you, Demon problems and all.

To my current Numenera group: If you still haven’t, please choose a group name! A fancy podcast voice is telling you do it, so you have to.

Thanks Jack. And to the Numenera group–look, names are hard, I get it. But I’m sure you can come up with something really cool.

As always, special thanks to all our backers on Patreon, whose ongoing support makes this show possible.

## Blooper [01.04.40]

Rhi: She just sort of, you know, mimes—[buzzing sound] ooh, I just punched my microphone as I was miming. 

Josie: Oops!

Rhi: Which is really important for this audio medium. [laughs] 

Josie: Miming is a dangerous art.